Seeking advice on how to deal with the upcoming boredom!

Instead of looking at this upcoming Saturday morning with foreboding dread, look at as an opportunity to burnish your resolve to quit. With an early landmark like that in your back pocket, you can parlay the victory into mental fortitude when cravings rear their ugly heads.

As for boredom, if you have any kind of hobby that requires focus and concentration, you can bury your head in that -- stuff like drawing, doing puzzles, writing, etc. Get a moleskin and start filling it up with whatever. Also, I started chewing gum when I quit. I still chew gum.

Most of all, don't beat yourself up if you slip up. Quitting is a process and it takes most people several attempts to finally do it. This is all part of figuring out what works - and doesn't work - for you.

/r/stopsmoking Thread