How to quit when it's become a part of your work routine?

I’m 33 and last quit in September 2016 before smoking a packish a day for at least 15 years.

People often ask me how I did it. You’re probably not going to like the answer, but it’s mostly that I “just did it:” I didn’t smoke and I was miserable for four to six months before feeling better.

But now, a year and three months in, I couldn’t be happier and I won’t ever go back. My highs are higher the low lows are gone and I’m not a slave to nicotine anymore.

It’s going to be shitty, but at least for me there were no shortcuts. You’re going to have to face your addiction head on. You may be miserable in the face of it for awhile but you will get though it if you want to.

/r/stopsmoking Thread