Why its hard being a guy in today's society

0:01what I mean what's the big deal
0:03it's just a mustache forever Ireland Italy vs mostly got tired after shave my
0:08okay male be honest with you most people seem to not like it
0:12people who tell me that I will creepy I look like
0:17i molested someone and frankly it it pisses me off
0:20I was going to say something that I don't think is talk about him up
0:24nobody seems to be talking about all how difficult it is for mana
0:28in everyday life to not seem like creeps
0:33I mean look at me I look like a fraternity brother version A Ben
0:37I know this by myself and its atop look to have
0:41do you even know how hard it is for me looking this much like known rapists
0:45that's right to deal with and it's not just me its just
0:49men in general we have all kinds limitations on our lives because this
0:53for example we can chew gum here was that
1:11we can talk to children we can talk to teenagers mean everyone seems to think
1:15that they sought but
1:16he I would know I'm talk to one in eight years every time
1:19the guys on doubt in a public place he's risking a restraining order
1:23we can't do anything remotely out of the ordinary
1:26like I'm I wanna just but not my top button if it's cold out people see me
1:30and Alex are whispering to each other well I think I can sure but not all the
1:35his creep screen he's creepy
1:40as like no I just much just as Coleman
1:44we can't go on walks
1:47at night alone or with friends
1:50and you definitely can run or skip or walk too slowly
1:54and it's not fair it's just because we look like predators
1:57we can just willy-nilly go to Lowes anymore what they just near open a shell
2:01you can just get that the other by all this extra stuff to water down your
2:06to seem less scary
2:09I gotta get a shower curtain and the
2:12some flower pots but who knows maybe that mean something
2:16maybe people are think I miss the creepy guy grown some creepy
2:20naked lady flowers that type of flower look it up like
2:24I can get through sons will seem like a but here I made a list of things we
2:28can't wear without being labeled a creep
2:30wide-brimmed hats regular hats backwards more than two articles Ralph Lauren at
2:34the same time combat boots
2:36camouflage anything cloaks capes trench coats
2:40any kind jacket that goes past arnie's sunglasses
2:43turtlenecks chest hair transition lens glasses
2:46I mean it's with the whole bill cosby by on even know what to wear
2:51yes I i understand that other people have problems but
2:55this is one as well and I just wanna start a conversation
2:59get a dialogue on about it I don't have a solution
3:02I was never do I mean I don't know I may be just
3:05a one-piece uniform or bad yours just something to indicate that we're not
3:11I mean I guess there is one thing you can do om
3:14have a girlfriend amor
3:17how unfair it back as I am rich get richer
3:21yeah the guys with girlfriends are seen as safe and
3:25the rest of us are seen as just budget creeps roaming around
3:30under street lights looking for
3:34I attended drinks know how the hell you can get a girl from
3:39dating web sites not tried that true story
3:42I signed up for dating website and I have him fill up my profile yet
3:46and I just put up the same picture that pretty much every other guy had
3:50now I'm put it up by Nick say see i mean
3:53who knows and on their I messaged like
3:56out two or three 100 ladies and got your responses
4:000 a real responses couple must respond
4:03creep I made it a dewy camp
4:07but I it doesn't feel fair somehow
4:10and I'll are now me how you seem not creepy
4:15right like abide on the ball go to you that I helped the

Here you fucking go. All the lines from the whole video, with some spelling mistakes because fuck you. This fucker got 2k+ upvotes for his single line so I should get at least 100k for this.

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