My boomer grandparents, whom I live with, just told me I’ve “failed to launch”

Just like Millenials can’t seem to understand what a world would have looked like without the internet and smartphones, Boomers can’t understand a world where when you work twice as hard as your parents, you are lucky to get half as far.

They never grew up in a world where school shootings occurred weekly. They did school drills for a hypothetical nuclear threat, whereas we did drills for a very non-hypothetical actual real threat of getting shot in school.

The world changes constantly, but Boomers only ever knew a life where an American can own a home, a car, take vacations regularly and still having enough left over for retirement while only working 40 hours a week.

3/4 of millennials work over 45 hrs/week. 1/4 have two jobs. Average cost of rent is 60% of total income for them, whereas there isn’t a Boomer alive who knew what it was like to pay more than 20% of their income on rent.

Boomers know these numbers, but they refuse to acknowledge they were the ones who put us into two wars that last OVER 20 years to the tune of trillions of taxpayer dollars each year.

They know that Millenials won’t receive Medicare or social security. Boomers just got an increase in their monthly payouts, but they don’t recognize that it comes with a guaranteed reduction for younger generations.

The silver tsunami is coming, and with the increased lifespan of these chronically I’ll and obese Boomers, they will be kept alive till they are all 100. They will bankrupt Medicare by the year 2038 because they both refuse to live healthy lifestyles and refuse to die.

Most Boomers who don’t have either cognitive dissonance or dementia actually get it, and understand the plight of younger generations. But they also continue to believe because we have Netflix, and smartphones, and $5/egg at the grocery store, we somehow have it easy.

Thankfully, climate change, which Boomers had the opportunity to address but chose not to, will likely kill off enough of them in time for younger generations to get into government and maybe finally set a few things right.

I don’t blame you for being upset about your grandparents attitude. It is blatant ignorant behavior, proving that they either can’t see the world for what they have made it, or just refuse to.

*stepping off soapbox now

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