Japan ready to protect Guam, defense minister says

Please read again what I posted. There is no such thing as "good" and "evil" and surrendering to America was not a good thing for them. They wanted to keep their way of life. And America threatened that.

You are set in a narrative which I can only describe as propaganda. Unwilling to see that America too can be as cruel as the people they fought.

all the soviets did was make japan surrender now instead of later - remember, japan issued surrender 1 week after hiroshima - its impossible to ignore the fact that the bomb pushed japan to surrender

Why did it take a full week between the first bomb and Japan surrendering? Wouldn't you expect them to... well... discuss terms earlier if the bomb was actually the reason for their surrender? When Kennedy got notice about Russia deploying nukes in Cuba it took him not even 3 hours until he had a meeting set up and discuss the matter. Yet Japan needed a whole week?

Not even to mention that the nukes weren't seen as such a big deal by the Japanese leaders. Just another city bombed. Not even that bad. As you said: Tokyo was bombed too and there were way more casualties in Tokyo than in Hiroshima.

General Anami of the Imperial Japanese army and War Minister of Japan for example stated, that the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki weren't worse than the month long firebombing they had already endured.

You are completely ignoring the facts I told you, trying to push a narrative you are not able to back up.

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