Harry Potter now required to represent everyone

Albus Severus Potter’s name whats wrong with the name? no queer representation / outing Dumbledore after the series was over and expecting that to be enough its almost as if sexuality isn't a major theme in the series riiiiiight? and she outed Dumbledore because the fans wanted to know attempting to make snape a sympathetic character and erasing the awful things he did in the name of ‘true love’ The idea is that even the worst people have their reasons for what they do. Also Snape hated James Potter nearly as much as he loved Lily, but we'll ignore that riiiight Ginny and Mrs Weasley sex-shaming fleur citation needed Remus and Tonks’ relationship and not acknowledging the questionable/gross way that they got together Whats gross about their relationship huh you got a problem with minorities and people suffering from conditions they can't control villainizing all Slytherins the Slytherin house was the only one that didn't partake in the Battle of Hogwarts. Do you think the other houses would really forgive them after they abandoned the school during its time of need letting s.p.e.w. and hermione’s white savior complex go unexamined Doesn't she eventually just give up using white people or magical creatures as metaphors for racism and other real world issues in general As opposed to ignoring these issues? lyncanthropy being an allegory for hiv/aids / erasing the queer history associated w/ hiv/aids Its not a perfect allegory or comparison however for the circumstances of the world JKR created its pretty great enforcing the belief that the only way to have a happy ending in life is to be straight, married, and have 2.5 kids No the ending is all about Harry finally having normalcy in his life after so many years as the boy who lived the entire epilogue Is all about providing the story closure and potentially setting up a sequel series if she damn well chooses to write one oh can’t forget that you think the entire series should pander to your ever more unattainable ideals?

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link - damianmcgintleman.tumblr.com