I Hate Everything gets two copyright strikes

I feel so sorry for the guy. All he wants to do is make entertaining videos

Does he? How do you know? He, himself, describes it as his livelihood. His chosen profession is to make and upload videos where he rants against something on a free video service hoping that they will pay him a portion of the ad revenue that his videos generate and that they won't at any time alter the terms and conditions that he has no control over. It's not like he's some innocent kid with a lemonade stand getting bullied by Big Lemonade or anything. Look at his subscriber count. He's making a lot of money doing this stuff. If anything, he typically has way more social media presence than the people he criticizes making him a really shitty underdog.

This comes up time and again with most of the youtubers I follow. They all attract some sort of drama at regular intervals and I don't get the seemingly grovelling hero-worship it generates. These people are businesses. Some of them are multi-millionaires after having made a few hundred videos over some years. IHE even mentions exactly this in one of his videos where he ridicules a kid for it in a less than classy move. Not that kids should be immune to criticism but had a TV show done this where I live, they would get fined for harassment of a minor. Youtubers, however, are immune because we think they're just two charming guys with a camcorder and we don't pay attention to the publicists, their forum moderators, their sound FX crew, their networks dealing with DMCA complaints (good luck posting let's play videos without one) etc.

What is it with this tribalism where, when someone is famous, suddenly they can do no wrong? Try criticizing Pewdiepie or Smosh or AngryJoe or Markiplier or (if you're really brave) Totalbiscuit and you'll have rabid fans baying for your blood to protect these poor millionaires. Yet these people are probably making more money per video than you'll make in a year. These are the captains of industry now. It's Joseph Bazalgette, Henry Ford and Felix Kjellberg.

Holy shit... maybe I should have had my morning coffee before writing all that.

This is just something that's been really bothering me for some time now as I'm starting to suspect that a lot of this drama is drummed up to generate more clicks. The more I watch my favorite youtubers, the more I feel lied to.

/r/videos Thread Parent Link - youtube.com