Haunted house workers of Reddit, what's the most you've ever scared someone ?

Not a haunted house worker....but pissed them. Wife and I paid almost thirty bucks a ticket to go to a premium haunted house show called the Haunted Basement at the Soap Factory in Minnesota last week. Now I'm a strong supporter of the arts. My sister is an accomplished actress and director having overseen shows on both stage (Guthrie, etc) and on film. I also have had credited roles on stage and screen. Needless to say, the Haunted Basement was a snoozer. Waited in line for an hour and the actual show was about 15 mins tops. At the last minute, the coordinator realized they sold my group and a second group short so she pulled my wife out of our group and sent my wife through with some other guy. We were both pissed about it....but my wife is hot tho so this other guy didn't seem to mind. When I attempted to complain to the coordinator she said I wasn't being a team player and called me a bitch. This was not a case of separating people to scare them...this was a case of, we have two groups of three and they prefer sending people through in even-numbered groups of four. So, basically she went through with three strangers yet my group was still just my buddy and I. This made no sense.....why screw with people just to have a group of four and a group of two. Versus two groups of three. You could tell the actors knew their show wasn't up to snuff; they were trying shock and awe tactics and the "scary" props which looked like middle schoolers built them also weren't doing the show any justice. Now this is a theatre company with a paid crew so I expected some strong stage presence and legitimate attempts at playing the part. But the thing that sticks out is the odd attempts at being scary. One guy rubbed his beard up and down on my buddies face....forcibly holding my his neck so he couldn't pull away. Another female actress spit....legitimately SPIT...on my face. I later found wet oatmeal and fake blood on both my wife and I. It was all in my wife's hair and ruined her blouse too. Nothing in the show scared us in the slightest. They didn't care when I tried to complain about the spittiby. They cautioned me to read their disclaimer and bragged that we signed a waiver before hand so there was nothing we could do. I didn't get scared. I hate this place. The only thing that's scary is knowing I'll never get that $60 bucks back. I'll never return and if you're considering going I'd encourage you to reconsider.

/r/AskReddit Thread