Having trouble in whether to choose pharmacy or accounting. Former accountants -> pharmacists out there or vice versa welcome to chime in. Anyone else please give an honest opinion based on your experiences.

I replied to a few claims from the top comment in the accounting thread. That poster was really wrong about a lot of points:

  • Being forced to live in a rural area: This can be true if you live in some of the extremely highly saturated areas with multiple pharmacy schools such as the clump near Florida, several California cities, and some Northeastern areas but for the most part you can work where you want as long as you have the qualifications.

  • Also, in my state, there is very minor difference (5-10k) for salary between a rural and a popular area. Pharmacists are looking at 120-130k minimum with 10-20k bonuses. If I borrowed the whole amount from undergrad to the PharmD, I would have a total debt of ~86k plus housing & food expenses.

  • Destroyed by automation - computer systems already tell pharmacists about all drug interactions, side effects, etc. automatically. That doesn't replace the fact that pharmacists are the responsible party against doctor prescription errors. At our pharmacy, we fill about 500 prescriptions a day, around 200 of which are new rx's. In those 200, I'd say around 30-40 have mistakes from the doctor themself or how the prescription was sent (Medical assistant typo's and dosing errors). These can not be fixed by a computer as patients are individualized and a pharmacist has to use their clinical judgement to evaluate each and every situation. (Otherwise doctors would just diagnose the condition, punch that into a computer and get an optimal drug/dosage regimen.)

  • Putting pharmacists in office cubicles/video conferencing: Which pharmacy does this? I've never heard of any pharmacy replacing in-store pharmacists with video conferencing pharmacists. Who would do all the in-store duties?

Retail pharmacy is still a great profession. Jobs are still quite plentiful as long as you make the bare effort to network and are efficient/effective with a great work ethic. I personally enjoy being able to help a lot of people in my community through consultations and analyzing their medication regimens.

/r/pharmacy Thread