Healers, how do you take so much abuse?

Oh my god, the random difficulties part is so true. The game has actually become ridiculously stressful for me to the point where I'm considering quitting because of this very sentiment. I'm past the point where it's very likely I'll get any upgrades from heroics (ilvl is 852) but I'm terrified of signing up for mythic+ dungeons because everyone wants to go so fast and seems to already know them all like the back of their hands and I am nowhere near that level of comfort because plain mythic groups tend to usually be groups of people who are so terrible that the dungeon ends up taking literally over a dozen wipes to convince people to perform the mechanics correctly and I don't have the time or energy to sign up for dozens of those until I feel comfortable enough with a dungeon that I won't feel like the person holding everyone back in mythic+. After all of the horror stories I hear in this subreddit about people dropping out and hurling abuse at the first sign of not getting three chests, I don't want to take the risk of that, much less the chance that I might be the reason someone's key gets ruined. This expansion feels like so much pressure if you don't have a regular group of friends to play with.

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