HELP: I'm creating a cleric with a charlatan background

Ha, we basically created the same character, though mine is a follower of Leira. She's basically a traveling con artist, and I chose my background stuff out of the PHB. Her trait is that she has a joke for every occasion (because I as a player constantly make puns, so I took the advantage to roll it into my character, though she does also claim to follow whatever deity will get her ahead at a given point), her ideal is independence like yours, her bond is that she fleeced the wrong person and must work hard to avoid them, and her flaw is that she'll cut and run to save herself. Basically most of her time before adventuring was she would go from congregation to congregation claiming to be an acolyte of [insert god] and talk ailing parishioners to sign their life's savings over to the church upon their death, obviously taking a 40% facilitator's fee for herself, naturally. The church wouldn't bat an eye at unexpected money, and the mark was dead. So she just had to avoid people with nosy relatives. One day she messed this part up, and the family of one of her marks has been after her ever since.

/r/DnD Thread