Help a parent out?

No one here is talking about my son's experience. They are all projecting their own experience onto him. I am asking for information and I am not receiving that. If I was not open to changing my mind, I would not be posting on here.

Those of you who ask why I should be comfortable or suggest I'm passing the buck. If I am not comfortable, then I am waiting for it to be out of my hands. I do not see how that is unreasonable. I am uncomfortable making a lot of choices for him and those too will wait until he is not my responsibility. I see on the internet all the time about how you shouldn't make permanent life choices for your child, but when a parent is reluctant to do that without more information, you want to attack them, Kiss my non-binary ass.

I am responsible for another human being. They are 14, they may know many things, but they are also not completely independent. Therefore l, right now, their life choices are a partnership that I am a part of. Everybody should be comfortable, but there will also be compromises. If you can't understand that, you are still in arrested development and need to work on that.

/r/asktransgender Thread