Hermits of Reddit, what are your reasons for hardly ever going out? [Serious]

I wasn't always a hermit, but I put myself in a situation where I wouldn't have to be in contact with the people I knew (not on purpose). I still communicated with them and I'd occasionally go see them.

One day I get a text from a girl, let's call her Girl A, I knew saying that it'd be best to just stop talking to her for a few months. I said I was fine with it. She later gave my number to someone that asked me for drugs. I, in turn, told her to delete my number, so she couldn't pull that shit. This same girl tells my friends that I hate them, despite the fact that I actually enjoyed most of them thoroughly. It was kind of a bitch move, and I wouldn't find out this was happening until later.

So I got a barrage of hate mail, and people either asking me if I'm alright or telling me to go fuck myself. I tried to figure out why, but I just couldn't. Eventually, I hear that one of my closest friends was talking about me with one of those people. This person was like a kid sister to me. I figured I'd question her about it, so I asked her what was up. She told me that she didn't want to talk or hear from me, that I am only tolerated, and pretty much just rekts me.

So here I am, getting this kind of stuff from somebody I have absolutely no reason to doubt or question, one of the people I liked the most, and that shit just killed me. I mean, I didn't even know what I'd done wrong. The kid sister kinda person later apologized, saying it was some kind of misunderstanding, but she didn't say the kind of things that can be taken back so easily.

From this, I got really depressed (though I actually don't mind being alone anymore). I didn't feel like socializing, so I took down my social media accounts, I deleted all the numbers in my phone other than family members, and I shut myself in.

I haven't gone outside to see anyone or do anything in several months. Corollary to that, no one has come to see me. No one has attempted to contact me. No one gave a shit that I pretty much disappeared, and to me that only reinforces my decision to give up on other people.

/r/AskReddit Thread