"He's anti-conspiracy. Believe me"

Okay here's what I don't get. Let's say this is your belief you genuinely believe it to be true that Murdoch is the unelected voice behind US politics. Able to be brought to justice by no court and answerable to nobody but himself. Why haven't you gone out and tried to kill him.

I'm not saying I endorse violence, or that I suggest you do this, but I just don't understand how the logic could be consistent. From the perspective of a Canadian a lot of things about the US mentality seem kind of dissonant. You're saying that there is someone out there who is actively hurting not just you, but thousands of people. If something as simple as daylight savings time is capable of causing traffic accident fatalities this would suggest that thousands will yet and have already lost their lives to his actions by pure statistics simply due to how he distributes resources. If you genuinely believe this to be true then the whole situation is basically a trolley problem with yourself and Murdoch down one line and thousands of US citizens down the other.

I just don't understand it. It seems as though one of two things is the case. Either these aren't actually you're beliefs and you're just putting forward some confident talk despite your own doubts on the subject in which case I'm not sure why I should trust you, or you view your own life as worth more than all those others in which case I similarly wonder why I should trust your words. Large groups of people in the US it seems are convinced everyone at the top is brainwashing, killing, or threatening everyone else. Yet we see so little political violence from the country compared to the amount of violent crime. What we do see categorized as political violence is often simply high visibility racial or religious violence rather than violent crime because of actual political beliefs. I feel like there's some cultural divide I don't understand. It seems like it must all just be bluster because the actions of people in the US don't at all match their supposed beliefs and certainly don't match their confident talk.

Again I in no way endorse violence, I just wonder if I'm missing something. I feel like US political discussions these days happen in a language I don't speak.

/r/TopMindsOfReddit Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it