He's done it. Every age group. Every region. Every social class. Men. Women. & finally: Corbyn is even net unfavourable among LABOUR VOTERS!

aye, Corbyn’s been as bad as he was always going to be. The people that voted him in have no excuse and should be embarrassed by themselves, but I do not doubt they’ll find someone else to blame. Corbyn’s been a lifelong eurosceptic, voted against Maastricht and Lisbon, and these morons voted him in with massive majorities twice in the space of a year, one of them even after his awful showing during the referendum campaign, and then are shocked to hear he’s a bit anti-EU. It’s unforgivable, these people should never have been allowed to vote in the campaign, they had absolutely no fucking idea what they were doing and are unable to accept their responsibility for the current situation.

Thomas Jefferson said that in a democracy you have to have a strong education system to allow people to reach a level of development that they can contribute properly with their vote. A political party should not have made it so easy for people to vote in the leadership election, because most of the people that joined for a few quid will obviously not have been interested in politics or the labour party enough to do even the smallest bit of fucking research. I can’t be angry at the new members though, as Corbyn wooed the existing membership as well, lemmings jumping off a cliff.

Never heard the term Blairite as often as I did over these last few campaigns, even from people who should have known better. the irony is now that half of these idiots that voted for Corbyn have recognised that he’s a member of the old Bennite left that Blair helped get rid of and that in actual fact their politics are closer to Blairs than they are to Cobyns in a lot of ways. It’s great they’ve had their ‘growing up’ moment of political and intellectual development, i just wish they didn’t have to kill the fucking party in the process.

Tony Blair is the most left wing prime minister elected in 43 years. This country doesn’t want to wave the red flag, they don’t see themselves as socialists. The labour party needed to accept the situation as it was, and they didn’t. I’ve been a despairing member for years, and even I've packed it in, leaving after they let Alice ‘anti-semite’ Walker back into the party after her first suspension. These people are pernicious and incompetent, and they’ve made us a one-party state at the most vital time in our political history since the second world war.

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