Hey bungie, could Competitive get a “Double Glory” or a “no points lost” weekend? Then maybe other people will also want to forgo peace and happiness and grind their face against the concrete devil that is Competitive

I already have the luna and i like the idea of helping more people obtain this weapon. I really find it difficult to understand why better players don't want to make things easier for the other 90% of players. It's mind boggling. It's "disrespectful" to the people that earned it? Give me a break. I soloed Luna's and almost broke my controller like 8x getting it. I'm a 2kd player and I struggled like hell. I did it to prove to people it could be done. But after seeing how fucking difficult it was, I honestly just feel bad for the other 90%. Not everyone is in college like me with the luxury to play for hours on end. People have jobs, families and what have you. Who the fuck wants to have a bad day at work, try and unwind with a beer and a little destiny only to get even more pissed and probably break something? Games are supposed to be fun. Not a second job. I really dislike it wen better players hold the attitude just cause they did it everyone else should be able to as well. No. Just no.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread