Hey reddit, what have you been accused of that wasn't true and still angers you when mentioned or thought about?

I was accused of stealing $4000 in cash from my grandmother. Now listen to this story and you fucking tell me if it makes sense that I stole the money:

So, it's around Christmas time. Everyone's in town for the holiday, including most of my family. That includes a cousin of mine who has a track record of doing shit like stealing. He was even in prison for theft. So, one night I'm out with friends and we're having a good time and we're out until about 3AM, and I crash at someone else's house. I wake up the next day to my mom calling me and asking me what was going on. I told her what I was doing the night before and she knew that I was sleeping somewhere else, but I explained the events of the previous night/morning and she tells me that my grandmother claimed I stole $4000 from her purse. Evidently the only evidence was my grandfather, who was ill both physically and mentally, having smelled my cologne. FIRST OF ALL, I DON'T WEAR COLOGNE. She was adamant that he wasn't lying though. She said she was calling the police and all that jazz.

SO I look more into the story. My cousin was spending the night at my grandparent's house with his mom and he wanted to crash at one of our aunt's house. He had been with her the entire day, and she brought him back to our grandparent's house to get some things he needed. This was at about midnight, when everyone in my grandparent's house said they were asleep. He was the only one who entered that house at any point during that night. I was three towns over with a bunch of friends. She also said the money was in her purse on the counter. WELL WHO THE FUCK KEEPS $4000 IN THEIR PURSE?!?!?

She never called the cops or anything but was pretty fucking keen on blaming me for the theft anyway. About a month later, my cousin suddenly starts posting on his FB a bunch of new things he was buying. High quality headsets, gaming consoles, a new TV, all adding up to about $3800 in total. Yeah, it was pretty obvious he stole the money. But yet I'm still blamed by her for the theft.

Still pissed off about it.

/r/AskReddit Thread