The Hidden Victims of the Meta; Real Supports

The biggest problem with ADC is that "true supports" don't exist in this meta? Karma, Lulu, Nami are all played competitively. Janna, Soraka, and Sona are all ranked 5+ at the moment in soloQ plat+ and hardly any "true support" champion is below a 49.50% w/r.

The "problem" is what people end up playing support or ADC and not knowing how to play against these new compositions. You need to know when giving up 2cs is better than losing 1/2 your hp and losing the lane for your team. Once you get behind immensely from being chunked out several times in lane you'll get the people spamming "ADC in 2k17 lel" when they have no real idea what the problem with them are.

When you look at ADC compared to literally every other role, you have champions who scale exponentially well in the late game while having pretty shitty earlier levels. You'd be hard pressed to find an ADC laner who can stand up to any meta top or mid post 6 besides Corki, and guess where he is? Middle. That's the "problem" with ADC. The role is basically a damage liability in comparison to other champs until 20+ mins. You rely on your team and utility champions like Ashe, Varus, and Jhin or very long range champs like Ezreal and Caitlyn.

Without proper team communication it is immensely more difficult to play the ADC role. The game has evolved past a 2v2 in bot lane. There is constant pressure on the bot side because it doubles down on so many negative things. There's two players to catch. There's low champion damage to retaliate. The current junglers have so many ways to walk in and out of your fog of wars it's not even funny. There is an innate lack of communication in soloQ. All of those go hand in hand. It's. Shitty.

This game needs and begs for constant communication to flourish. It's sad we have no way to realistically communicate with our teammates besides pinging / spam pinging. Those are the two biggest problems imo, not shifts in the meta moving someone's favorite champion over.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread