HIF after being in a car with my boyfriend since 7am YESTERDAY.

There is a short in the car, that cause all onboard lights, brake and tail lights to go out. This happened four times to me in the course of a 20 minute trip. Two times at a red light, one time nearly resulting in an accident and causing cars behind me to lay on their horns and scream. I was shaken and upset, I came home and started to say "The lights on the car ---" when he said "Ok, got it, making a car appointment now," as this had been an ongoing I had mentioned needing to be taken care of previously (he prefers to handle the car stuff). Cutting me off like that, when I was shaken up from a near accident, and frustrated that this issue still hadn't been handled was frustrating to me. I felt dismissed. I had nearly been rearended and caused a big commotion at the intersection, and he had no idea, because he jumped in and cut me off. That's quite different than wanting to tell him "my life story". However, since this comment was about how we handle disagreement, not specifically about what we disagree over, I didn't think it was necessary to elaborate.

And, regardless of how you perceive it, he completely understood, said he hates it when people do the same thing to him, and that he doesn't blame me for feeling how I did. Considering he's who I'm married to, that's the opinion that matters here. What he told me, which he has said several times in our relationship, is that he always prefer I come to him and tell him my feelings regardless of if I think i'm over reacting to something. He would prefer we are open and honest with how we feel, even when it is over something small, than allow the little things to slide until they form into a big actual fight causing issue.

Again, I didn't lecture him or accuse him. I literally sat next to him on the couch, said "Hey babe, something has been kinda bugging me today, do you mind if we talk about it?" When it was all said and done (after like 5 minutes, interspersed with joking and goofing around), he thanked me and said that he really appreciates me being willing to tell him how I feel and communicate clearly with him. I'm his second wife, his first wife bottled up her feelings and then exploded every other week in a torrent of emotional furry. Five minutes of "hey, would you mind giving me a chance to finish my sentence when I'm stressed out?" is preferable to the alternative.

/r/TrollXChromosomes Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com