[Highlight] LeBron beats the shot clock with the clutch triple over curry

As a Lebron hater myself, I respect that he's am amazing player. What we hate is his whole "oh my god my eye! Gimme sympathy" then lands a sniper shot like this like it's nothing, then complains about his eye injury talking about "I just aimed for the third basket" like as though he couldnt see just fine during.

He's a great player but also a fuckin enormous baby (emotionally and physically). But still a God level player. That man could see just fine during that shot. I've been poked in the eye numerous times and you dont see three of everything. It's either blurry or your clear and you eye hurts.

Mans is a master at hoops, but bitches like a 7year old.

/r/nba Thread Parent Link - streamable.com