Hillary Clinton: "America can't ever be neutral when it comes to Israel's security or survival." "Some things aren't negotiable,”

Ok I don't usually care about Us political structure but I'll try to give you my reasoning why in regards to an Arab nationalist perspective, Hillary is a worse option:

While Trump is actually a proven retard, he is still better to have than Clinton because you would want a retard over an evil cunt in the President's position. The reason being, (I'm heavily summarizing the Us political system here, feel free everyone correct me if I'm wrong) the US system does not give the president any power to come up with their own policies. They are the head of the executive branch, not the legislative branch (that would be congress, the one that drafts laws and acts). The president has the ability to choose what becomes legal and what wouldn't. Again, he doesn't get to design his own policies. This is important, because what happens is candidates will try to paint a personality around the kind of world they will try to create during their presidency. Based on that personality, you are supposed to guess that they will vote in the right laws that congress drafts.

To make this simpler, imagine if laws A B C are proposed, the president can veto just about any of them. But if he/she, lets say, wanted to pass a new law D, he can't do that. So generally, if only pro-israel acts get proposed, but the president said he/she will achieve more anti-israel type laws or policies, he/she is lying because he does not have that power. Congress has to draft such laws in the first place, hence why the iran deal was so difficult to create. Going against congress will take shrewd political manipulations that demands a smart, intelligent president to make such attempts successful.

So in my opinion, if Hilary were to be the head in the executive branch, she would be perfect for congress because both are of on the same page in regards to foreign policy and what is known as America's traditional agenda. Trump on the other hand, is a wildcard and a giant retard who just echoes what is trendy and popular. From our Arab nationalist perspective, you would want such a retard in that position because he will most definitely be difficult to work with in the American system. His big mouth will create deeper schisms within the country and will be more of a threat to keeping American public order in check (by creating fear among minorities, if those riots against him were any indication) will most certainly happen in America, and from an Arab perspective, we want trump in power to give them a taste of sunni/shia civil conflicts.

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