Hillary Clinton attacks NRA over Las Vegas shooting and calls for gun control

Whats the best way to have gun control? I see comments all over Reddit saying "if everyone had guns, how do you know who is the bad guy" or "what if everyone in the crowd had a gun and fired back", but I see zero people coming up with ideas on how to control guns.

Im a very open minded person. I enjoy a good conspiracy theory. But one real dilemma we have had since the US came to be is gun control only puts power into the hands of the government. Especially in a time when we have a loose cannon president as we do now. What happens when the biggest gang in the nation, the armed forces, is suddenly called to turn on its people "to protect democracy"?

Its far fetched, but with everything going on its hard to say who are the good guys anymore. The timing of 9/11 and the bldg 7 vault theft is a huge red flag. We still don't know the motives of the shooter in Orlando. And every time something like this happens, talk stops and everything fades into a text book.

We fight every year to stop regulation of the internet, the only true peer to peer way of discussion. Even that is being polluted with this new hack representative calling "fake news". Facebook is purposely allowing false advertisements and posts that cry wolf so we don't believe the people that are telling the truth. The government tries every year to mitigate our communication. If that keeps up we are going to end up no better than North Korea.

I don't believe in direct mind control yet, but we are definitely being ushered into a new era that I don't like. And now we have people crying out "take their guns!" when I believe we need them more than ever.

Like I said, I am open minded on discussion and talks, but can we meet half way at least? Get some perspective on each other and stop the reactionary manhunts when crisis hits?

I'm not saying its wrong, I'm just saying we need to do this the right way.

/r/politics Thread Link - independent.co.uk