So...housing. Why does SE allow people to buy property and never login again?

An even simpler solution would be more housing instances....but I guess thats too simple.

Not so simple because more server space has costs attached.

SE did put on the table a while back how if your house is unoccupied for 90days think it was you would automatically reliquish it. It was met by very strong opposition and ultimately dropped.

I do agree something needs to be done the rent idea does sound good but they dont want to make it so high that housing becomes too big of a drain after the initial price, something small just to say im still here is fine.

They should also allow for limited time allow players and FC's to trade in thier house for the price they bought the land for and after that time remove all but the master house of an FC and limit all new FC's to 1 house. On my server one FC has around 20+ houses from the time before personal housing. And if SE are going to lock content such as FC airships behind housing they should be making sure FC's no mater how big are allowed to access this.

You will get people saying what if I cant play for X days, let my sub drop for few month for whatever reason, are on active duty etc but at the end of the day not all content can be for everyone.

People who are paying and playing are being locked out of content they could use, where as someone who bought a house early who may or may not come back at somepoint are denying PAYING players access to parts of the game and it shouldnt happen imo. People who have commitments such as military personel while I fully respect all they do maybe housing is just a part of the game thats unsuitable for them if SE went ahead with the house relinquishment idea and unfortuantely aslong as housing plots are a limited thing its just a part of the game not suited for them the sameway someone who can only play a couple hrs a week may not be suited to the demands of a raiding static.

/r/ffxiv Thread