How do you afford childcare?

I would say for most average earning middle class people, its makes more sense financially to have one parent stay home because of the astronomical cost of childcare. Plus raising kids takes absolutely everything out of you.

I am a might owl, so for a while, I worked night shift while my husband worked day shift. It was nice money wise but I had no energy to clean the house. It was constantly a wreck. I also didnt have energy to play with my son. I could do the bare minimum of keeping us fed and bathed.

It's too much work for one person. I also fell into a depression because of how everything was setup. Go to work exhausted, come home exhausted, do hardly anything, hardly sleep, go back to work exhausted and repeat. And if you both work and both take care if the kid it's still gonna be so difficult. It can be done. But it's by no means fun or nice.

Staying home I can finally keep track of the housework, errands, I homeschool my child. I do a bit of working from home when I can, but a child truly is a full time job these days. Mostly because people dont help out like they used to.

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