Do teenage years always suck?

Mostly life sucks. Or it doesn't. It is different for everybody. There are lots of people like you. There are lots of people that liked high school and hated university, maybe to the point they dropped out. There are lots of people that liked both high school and university, but hated their first job with huge passion (I would fall to this category, not that it matters). Then there are people that liked all those but married so terribly that hell started just then. And then there those that........ And so on and so on. You get the idea.

Every life stage has it's pitfalls. It might get better for you. It might get worse. You never know. You might tilt the scales in your favor by some well chosen actions, but sometimes life is such a bitch that it might not be enough.

There are no good stages and bad stages of life. There are only different people with different experience giving advice based on their own path.

The only advice I can give is try to live the present. A lot of people live in their past because current life sucks. A lot of people live in the future, because everything sucked till today, maybe future will be better. But if we have problems in life, we should try to solve said problems. Sometimes it looks impossible, but it's still worth a try.

You don't have to wait utill something outside of your control happens to start enjoying life. You are creator of your own destiny and you can try to make a change.

Hope this helps. Good luck.

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