How i became a crypto-mining millionarie in under 2 years during a bear market.

It's called the Blackminer F1. Site looks sketch, but its legit. Just google around a bit and you'll see.

1 BM F1 cost $2,500(smaller one they just released is $1,300 and half the speeds). It's eqiuvalent too 17-18 GTX 1070ti in terms of raw hashpower and uses 600 watts of power(compare to the 17-18 gtx 1070ti using about 2600 watts).

They have a promotion going on which is going to end in a week or so. If you plan on purchasing use the code "Y55JAA" and you get $100 coupon for ur next purchase or can be used for ur electricity bill(if ur hosting on their platform) and i also get a $100 coupon.

If u want the discord link, dm me.

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