How best to treat Delusions of Control

Maybe she's just not on the right medications for her or the medications haven't had time to kick in (you didn't say how long she's been on them).

Inpatient, while inconvenient, helped me a lot because they were able to stabilize me on meds before I got out because doctors were there every day and able to make adjustments to them as needed and I didn't have to wait for appointments and check ins.

She may also not be being honest with her doctors especially because most of her problems are by text so you could offer to go woth her to her next appointment to help the Dr's have insight as to what's going on. I was always appreciative when a friend cared enough about me to get involved.

Just tell her you've seen some concerning symptoms still amd that you want her to be as healthy as possible and that you would be happy to go support her and talk about these symptoms with her Dr.

/r/schizophrenia Thread