How can I look good in high school without being seen as an over dressed hipster?

It really really depends on where you are and what kind of culture you're high school would fit into. I'm a college student now in a school in a pretty artsy city so when I walk around campus I see people rocking high fashion everywhere I go (high fashion as in high end designer clothes and what not). I try to dress as well as I can with my very limited budget, but my wardrobe pales in comparison to a lot of people I know and see around. When I go out to bars and parties around campus none of the people I see ever give me looks or call me out for dressing like a "hipster" or like a gay guy or what ever bullshit insults people try to throw at people that like fashion and try to dress well. When I visit my friend that goes to a college more in the "country" (think timbs, baggy jeans, and boxy flannels) its a whole other story. All of his friends give him shit for wearing pretty basic stuff like tapered jeans and chinos with OCBDs on a daily basis. When I went out with them one night I wore black tapered jeans, sk8-his and a chambray button down and they all looked at me like I had a 3rd eye or something. To me that's a pretty basic every day outfit, but to them I looked like an "H&M model" (their words) and I caught some flak for it for sure. Moral of the story is that if you dress differently than the people around you, then you'll probably get singled out. The key is to not take what other people say so seriously. Just laugh it off and be able to take the jokes in stride. If you dress the way you want and you look good doing it, you'll feel more confident and that confidence will make you care less about what other people say and think. I got made fun of early in high school for dressing the way I did and I just turned it into a laughing with them type thing. I never stopped dressing how I wanted and people stopped saying stuff after my freshman year. I was just known as the kid who dressed well after that. I ended up getting voted best dressed of my graduating class which I would consider a win in the end.

Just do you, man.

/r/malefashionadvice Thread