How can SE spice up FFXIV? Since many people are disappointed with the expansion/all around progress of the game

ITT: "FFXIV has tons of content that I don't want to do! They should make more of the kind of content I want because I'm bored."

Here's a protip: play other games. Don't zerg everything FFXIV debuts each patch in the first day or two. If they make it a grind to spread out the playtime, people complain, and if they make it "too easy" people will complain there's not enough to do.

I'm coming back from not playing for a few months, and while I regret not playing a little each day, I did burn myself out. This time, I have a job & commitments outside of FFXIV. I'm slowly leveling everything up, and generally NOT being upset that I don't have everything yet. I'll spend maybe 3 hours a weekday max on the game, most days less than that. I'm only 55 on my main class, and my crafters/gatherers are slowly inching up as I do the daily turn-ins.

Some people have good points: gear is too "STAT+" and nothing unique or worth holding onto: but guess what? This isn't FFXI. We can't change gear mid-raid. Gear in FFXI was often 'side-grade' after a while simply because equipment swaps were a thing. You can't really do sidegrades in this game. Of course your gear is going to be 'worthless' when the level cap is raised -- there's no reason to think otherwise. When new gear is released, it's often better, but you still need good gear to get better gear. You generally can't just waltz in and get better equipment.

A good point a few people brought up is the fact that old content gets retired way too soon. They need to think up ways of reusing it that isn't tiresome. I don't want to run lowbie dungeon 50x to unlock a relic, but I want there to be something tangible I can get from lower dungeons as well as higher ones.

/r/ffxiv Thread