How do I change my mentality about sex?

Ok hold the hell up. He's got a bit of a point but only about maybe not waiting for marriage because you really need to know you're compatible sexually etc, that kind of shit aha broken up marriages. And the way he said it, trying to manipulate you an make you feel like shit like that would get you to put out was despicable. That kind of behaviour is not ok and everyone knows about assholes like that so he's in the wrong not you.

There is true love but I don't think you can wait for marriage. Waiting for the right guy is right, but most people have one or a few serious boyfriends before the one. So wait for the right boyfriends as well as the one. There's so much you have to learn about relationships and maybe some things you need to work out within a relationship with previous partners before you're ready for actual lifelong commitment. Wait for a serious boyfriend and someone you really love to lose your virginity. That sets up a good psychological relationship to sex and approach to relationships and romance. Once you've lost your virginity then you can look at casual sex between em serious boyfriends come and go. Idk, I might have this all wrong. Maybe you really are ready to just fuck around lol. Idk. Just don't have a shitty first time and regret it, I guess. Even if it's gonna be fun and casual, at least find someone caring to do that with.

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