How DARE I use the, wait for it.....vacuum cleaner now! This shit just keeps growing more and more INSANE. (rant/vent)

This is going to sound a little weird probably, but I have noticed that when I or even when people I care about get caught up in things not working out, when they think like that, it seems like there is a power of positive thinking going on where worrying about things and feeling like nothing is working out for you almost seems to make it that way. But if you can relax a little and trust that something will come along, things do work out better. I've seen this with my friends and myself. I know it probably sounds flaky but if you could try to swing your thought off not finding a job and that there are no jobs out there and just think of how many people are working so there must be jobs out there and maybe if you just think about the possibilities that might help you in a few ways.

1) it might help relax you and it feels better than thinking the worst 2) it gives you a little hope and hope is a good things 3) it's kind of like where someone says red door and suddenly you have red doors on your mind so you notice red doors everywhere. If you think no jobs then you don't see job opportunities. But if you think 'wow, there are a lot of people in the country that do have jobs so there must be jobs out there' then you'll see that there are jobs.

I know that it sounds totally flaky but it might be worth a try. Don't think about being trapped there. That is never helpful. Think about how there are opportunities for you. I wasted my time worrying about being trapped and ended up trapped until I let go of it. Now I could go but it wouldn't be as ideal as I want it to be. I have more options because I stopped feeling trapped and changed my thinking. And weirdly, my Nmom is like a million times better than she was. Truly a lot better to be 100% honest. And all I can think is that my thinking on this stuff changed and that did it because until then nothing changed. And it was the same with seeing it happen with my friends too. As soon as they changed the way they thought about it, things changed for them.

I don't know if any of that helps. I just know that when I see someone feeling like you do, I think of my experience and I want share that because you never know. It really could be that whole power of positive thinking only we are so not used to think positively because of the abuse that we never see that as a possibility.

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