How do you deal with the increased libido from starting T with bottom dysphoria

Honestly there’s no one solution to this, people are gonna deal with it in different ways which works for their own comfort and body. All I can do is say what works for me but that might not be right for what you need. But I used my bottom growth to my advantage, essentially treated my junk very similar to how I would jerk off my cis boyfriend. Using what I have in that way was really euphoric and felt good. When first starting t it can be really sensitive and painful, but that didn’t last too long for me. But the longer I go on t, the better and easier it gets because I see my libido and body acting so similar to cis mens it’s worth waiting out. And I know this is said a lot and it’s difficult to believe at times but it’s true, there’s no one way for a man’s body to look, your body is a man’s body regardless of what you look like now and what you might look like in the future. You’re body is going through a lot of changes right now so be kind it and take steps to care for mental health. Things like exercise and hanging out with supportive people are just good for mental health but also help to take my mind off of that shit when the testosterone spikes and my libido goes crazy. Best of luck

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