Anyone else get annoyed at any mention of Harry Potter?

I don't like hearing negative stuff about it, I don't like hearing positive stuff about it, I kind of just wish it would fade into obscurity so I could stop witnessing people tearing each other to shreds and suicide-baiting from both sides over one shitty book series in a sea of shitty book series that only gets more attention than the others because it was wildly popular in the 2000s.

It's just not worth the mental hassle to me, especially when there's so much god awful shit going on in the world like people actually fucking dying in wars or at the hands of the cops or trans people losing healthcare and etc etc etc. I wish people would put even an ounce of the energy they spend arguing about whether HP is good or bad into like, volunteering in their community or participating in community activism or writing/calling their goddamn senators who are trying to take away rights of minorities or literally anything else helpful other than screaming at people on the internet.

/r/ftm Thread