How to determine your attactiveness

Let's count the points I've made to which you have not replied except by saying that I'm contradicting myself (which isn't even evidence of their invalidity). I'll list them here and I'll give you a chance to reply, no name calling I swear.

1) Many men, including myself, date women they meet through friends/parties and online, and find the ones they did through the former to be more attractive.

Your response was to claim that this was from their glory days, but that's not true.

Then you claimed this was all talk from people who weren't doing much offline dating. I disputed this by saying that many of the men who feel that way are doing both. No response from you -- is everyone just lying except for you?

2) A massively skewed sex ratio makes women more picky, even if the skew is just on online dating websites. To demonstrate this, I used an example from what happens when the skew tends the other way. Apparently this doesn't apply at all, because making inferences is hard. So I posted the dickonomics of tinder article -- no response from you whatsoever.

3) The ability to meet women offline isn't an "intrinsically" attractive characteristic. It's often a function of circumstances. What you have said is that if you're a man who does mainly online dating, where the competition is fierce and where they often compete for a girl that wouldn't even catch their eye online, that is a reflection of your intrinsic attractiveness. But as I have just mentioned, changes in circumstances (like having more friends with single female friends, going to more parties, etc.) extrinsic to your attractiveness disprove that.

Please do not mischaracterize my arguments in your reply.

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