How do you think we determined to be born to the family we were born to?

race, family, and life-circumstances are all determined by our valency in the world before.

This is a pernicious false doctrine that has been thoroughly repudiated by the Church.

And yet, if we look at current correlated doctrine the Church teaches:


Because of their faith and obedience in the premortal life, thousands upon thousands of the sons and daughters of God were foreordained to be members of the house of Israel in mortality. This foreordination carries with it nobility as well as great responsibility. As members of the house of Israel, we are princes and princesses, members of a royal covenant family commissioned to be the “salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13) and the “light of the world” (Matthew 5:14) to take the fulness of the gospel of Jesus Christ “to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people” (D&C 77:8).

Doctrinal Outline A. The people of Israel were a distinct and noble people in the premortal existence.

  1. Because of their faithfulness in the premortal existence, the people of Israel were foreordained to become a holy nation (see Deuteronomy 32:7–9; Romans 8:28–30).
  2. Foreordination determined, to a large extent, an individual’s placement among tribes and nations (see Acts 17:24–26; Deuteronomy 32:7–9).
  3. Many faithful spirits were foreordained to important missions while in the premortal existence (see Abraham 3:22–23; Jeremiah 1:5; D&C 138:53–56).

We may no longer believe or teach that race was preordained, but it is an undeniable doctrine that many things were preordained as a result of our valiance in the preexistence (and therefore also by our lack of valiance).

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