How did you all find out about asexuality?

First I watched Bojack Horseman and watched Todd's ace arc, was intrigued and went to this sub, and thought a lot of stuff were relatable, but then there was like this one thread where people talked about how much they dislike pn and that they rarely, if ever, m******e. And I was like "oh... maybe I'm not asexual".

Fast forward a couple weeks, and I watched this movie called "Wild", and there were so many things I just could not relate to, like the guys being so upfront/aggressive about wanting to have sex with the main character, and also the main character who slept with a ton of complete strangers (nothing wrong with that obviously). And I was like "wtf I don't understand these people". And then I kept thinking about it, and the stuff I read on this sub. And then I thought about stuff in my past and it all clicked.

/r/Asexual Thread