Not exactly a Ace related question, but I feel people on here would be more likely to know the answer.

My fault? Uhm. Didnt know I was behind the whole entire shifting of the definition that im opposed to but ok.

Things used to be really simple and it was just cool to relate to such a basic thing as "i don't care for sex and my friends want me to go see a dr about it but I really don't care to" and "man I'm so tired of society expecting me to and pressuring me to be into this and im not" there wasn't all this complicated BS about does this make you ace? Does that? Does this? And honestly, im only bitter about it when I get online. Im not even thinking about it otherwise because it doesn't affect anything in my actual life. When I see people who say they're ace cutting down and saying acephobic things to other aces just because you guys don't understand us or don't like us its pretty hypocritical and yes, in both sides, but if you'd just respect we have a reason to feel annoyed it wouldn't be as radicalized as it seems. Not everyone on antisex is there for the same reason. It's rude to say we are incels and nobody wants to fuck us. As an aces you should all know how wrong that is to say. It boils down to many of us just thinking that that spectrum has gone way way too far to the "allo" side of things and having to now come up with something else all from square one again. I didn't come here saying I had any right to tell anyone what to do, I was just explaining why many feel this way and doing some venting of my own. I think its pretty much agreed upon that whatever aces are now and whatever ace people like me are, aren't the same anymore. But it doesn't mean we all didn't start at the same place and that YOU guys have the right to tell us we are incels and losers etc. One huge reason I stepped out of dating was because I was tired of explaining to guy after guy that I didn't want to have sex. Asexual spaces now proudly include sex and kink, and some of us are strongly opposed to that for whatever reason , it's even emotionally and psychologically upsetting to some, and just as you have a right to enjoy it and accept it and look at it we have the right to not want to see it. You can't expect an asexual space to be safe from that anymore. Honestly I think this split or whatever it is , is simply just in its early stages and its still working itself out. Once something workable is established and accepted you'll probably see less radical people and more people who don't care, they just don't want to see it, read it, hear about it or know about it. If you guys want to keep looking at it as a spectrum, fine, but some of us don't see it that way and that should also be fine. But all in all these different little labels are getting ridiculous and people will think we are all a fucking joke.

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