How did you meet the love of your life?

We both work at the same place, a Fortune 500 corporation full of cubicles, to help visualize. He knew who I was for a while, but he didn't know if I was single (or Mormon, there's a lot of them here), so we never interacted for a while after I started working there.

One day, I'm walking out of work, and I hear someone ask if I can hold the door for them. It's him, and his arm is broken (he revealed to me later that he didn't really need help, but it was his chance to talk to me). I ended up going full word vomit and told this random guy about how I needed to move in to my new place this weekend and I wasn't looking forward to all the packing and such. Cut to around a month later, and outside of my cube area, I see him rolling out a cart with foodstuffs on it. I go to see what it is and he says 'Bagels?'. That's it. I said 'Oh, cool, I'll take one.' And that was it, end of interaction. I'm not sure either of us knew what to make of it so we just walked away.

I had started using around this time and saw him on there and thought 'Oh that's that guy from work...I probably shouldn't freak him out about being on a dating site.' (I had noticed a couple friends on Match and told them about it, they were mortified, so I learned to not notify people that I saw them on there). A few weeks later, he messaged me after realizing that yes, I was single and not Mormon. After some back and forth we arranged a 'water cooler meetup' to talk about the Game of Thrones finale that had just aired the night before. He came to my cube, and we started talking. Bear in mind, no introductions here, oh and he also never signed his name on any of our online chats. We part ways, and he adds me as a contact on our inter-office messaging app. Not only did I first learn his name because he added me as a contact, but I learned that he sat a dart's throw from me.

We started off telling people we met at work, because I guess we technically did, but really, it took us meeting on a dating site to get us to actually talk to each other like human beans. Life is weird. And so is he, and he's the best thing that's ever happened to me.

/r/AskReddit Thread