How did you get your confidence back?

Have you considered you may be worrying about something you should be embracing? Yes, this girl might leave you. She might be attracted to you because you offer her security and stability at a time in her life when she's feeling insecure and vulnerable because of her move to a strange, new town. But maybe that's okay. There's a very real chance that your attraction to her is more about the need to feel desirable and attractive again in the wake of your divorce rather than any real long-term compatibility. That might be okay too. The dirty little secret here is that you're both asking yourselves if you're using/being used by one another. But this doesn't need to be an awkward or negative thing.

How do you get your confidence back? How do you learn to trust? How do you feel okay about being with this beautiful, out-of-your-league (and I'll just say it, probably-too-young-for-you) woman?

You communicate. You share your insecurities with her. You ask her why she's with you and you listen to her. You make love, and in the stinky, sweaty afterglow, you laugh at how silly it is that you're together. You acknowledge that you are different people who may very well have different needs in six months, a year, or two years. You wake up grateful that she is in your life at a time when she provides exactly what you need. And you keep talking so it doesn't come as a surprise when one of you wakes up to realize you've found what you need and it's time to move on.

/r/Divorce Thread