How do you feel about people using your flag to protest in the US about politics?

Those people are mexicans in name only (they have some really stupid american racial ideas), they go about spouting racial slurs like Coconut, (brown on the outside white on the inside) if you disagree with their crap like cultural appropriation, if you are a white mexican they don't even consider you a real Mexican, in the meantime they can't even speak spanish, they think that wearing sombreros/drinking tequila/eating tacos is somehow very important for Mexicans so they take offense when someone different from them does it, they think they speak for all us when they say something is offensive, they demand special privilege status from society do to their perceive oppression, in a country that, they themselves refuse to accept as their own.

Look it's cool if you want to Mexican and identify as one, in fact i would say anyone in the world should be able to identify as a Mexican if they want, but ffs don't you ever think you represent the views of the entirety of Mexican people especially if you are trying to censor someone, as stupid as trump is, as much it has become a national sport to hate him, we do not condone violence or censorship in our name, so fuck off assholes, it is us who would end up paying for the wall if he wins, you priviledge fucks with your American green cards and citizenship will pay crap for it, besides all your are doing is throwing fuel to the fire, how hard is it to understand?

PS Seems like i just described mexicans-sjws and went on a rant against them, so might as well send them a message: "come back to Mexico please, you will love our political incorrect society, you will be able to claim oppression a lot, i know how much you love to scream oppression, in here it will be non-stop!, and to make it even better some of that oppression will be real!, that's right, you will suffer actual oppression in this country, im sure that would make for a nice change of pace, not only that but we have also deal with a variety of oppressors here, raging from the goverment to the cartels, that's right if you are tired of the "evil patriarchal cis hetero white man society", well come on down here folks we have a lot of people lining up to actually oppress you, and honestly, we could use the help, that's right as embarrassing as i consider you over there, in here you would be my heroes(though you are very likely to end up dead)."

/r/mexico Thread