[wp] You are a young God going to God School. You've just realized that you've only got 7 more days before your universe project is due.

I looked down at my desk in bitter shock. The professor stated that projects were due in 7 days.

The professor was a scary man, a massive bare chested man with a helmet on his head, a rumor circulated that if you were to annoy him, he would hurl an axe at your desk. He slammed his desk after that statement, a small plastic stand with "Mr.Odin" on it slightly shifted.

A man with lots of arms and blue skin raised his hand to ask a question.

He asked "What was the project again?"

Mr.odin peered up from his desk and stood. He picked up a piece of chalk and underlined writing on the board.

He said "To remind you all about this project i will explain it. Everyone much crest their perfect universe in 7 days, it must be completed upon the due date."

The bell rang and all of the gods left the building and quickly flew home.

I opened the door to my dorm and entered the room. I plopped down on my desk and beat my head against the table. There was no way that my project could be finished that quickly. Suddenly an idea popped in my head. I ran through the house and took a book off of the shelf. It was the holy bible. My plan was to recreate my universe word by word from the book. I knew it was cheating and plagiarizing, but I still had to get it done. I got to work immediately.

I started creating your basic universe, random galaxies here and there but I chose one in particular to inhabit. I created an earth but I needed some more detail. I eventually settled for a model of a green earth like planet. But to create a little difference, I have every planet a little God to rule over it.

I obviously thought that this green world needed some people so I threw some here there, I named two special ones Jesus and Satan. I also created a large council to watch over their people. I put a god named Elohim in power over the planet. I gave Elohim wives to live with, and I thought that every child on this planet would be conceived by him. I thought that this difference would be good enough to food the professor. But something was wrong, the people and the council began to argue with each other, Jesus sided with one half and Satan joined the other half. I watched in horror as the two factions began to fight for dominance over earth. The people that followed Jesus were blessed with white skin and put directly on earth. The satanic followers were made into demons. The neutral ones were cursed with black skin and also sent to earth. I thought this was a bit racist but I still was happy with my results.

I was chuckling violently, I could just sit back and watch my project do itself.

I watched as the population split up and inhabited earth. Elohim went to earth to have sex with the Virgin Mary to give Jesus a physical body. Jesus went on to marry 3 women and have many children. I decided to follow more of the bible script and had Jesus crucified and resurrected. He then went to the Americas and thought the Indians about religion, Jesus called these people Israelites.

I was growing tired and went to sleep. I woke up six days later, the project was almost due. I panicked and hurried to my project. I forgot to create a prophet and hastily made one. I called him Joseph smith and put him on earth. I quickly wrote down my name and the title. I was hurrying to complete it and just wrote down a random word, "Mormonism" is what I called the universe.

I hurried to campus with my universe and all of the other students had theirs. I turned mine into Odin and he glanced at it

He said " Good job! I've never seen a universe like this ever!"

Odin gave me an A and I passed God school. Compelled by my previous creation I publicized my new universe and made it my hobby to look over my project.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread