How to be good enough to get into mg.

Do you actually get good at this game with time or is it really just team based?


Is it possible to rank up to global alone with random teams?


Do you flick your crosshair on an enemies head like an awp to get instant headshot?

-What? When stood still your shot is perfectly accurate so providing you clicked the head when the crosshair was over it, it will kill.

Do teams really help you rank up in the game?

-It's a significant advantage to have a game where communication and teamwork isnt a variable but a certainty

How do smurfs/highrankers dodge my bullets so easily with a special type of "move".

-You're either missing your shots or they are jiggle peeking which is just tapping a and d.

How do smurfs manage to peek mid on ct side in dust 2 perfectly

-It isn't hard for anyone to do.

Why do smurfs have some weird movements while shooting or awping.

-To make it harder for you to kill them

How do smurfs get consistent headshots in heavy gunfight?

-Tapping or controlling recoil

Firstly, this post really annoyed me with what I assume to be you calling anyone better than you a smurf. If you don't know these common things are you even ready for mg? There is a different skillset observed in different ranks because they are just better than lesser ranks. The playstyle changes as people get better but its more of a case of silvers and novas just sucking, mgs rely on aim and have no gamesense and after dmg you actually get a decent quality game with good players and teamplay.

/r/GlobalOffensive Thread