How do you handle the situation when your ex is in a new relationship?

You fucking cry and be a man by wishing them well.

My ex Broke up, said she wasn't going to date for a LONG time. Recently started pursuing another guy. You cry and wish her the best.

Nothing more, nothing less. You can't avoid the pain. I was thinking about your question 3 days ago, I was blocked from all forms of communication until a classmate of mine had told me about how she's trying to get some guy plan her math courses around the same time as her.

Broke my heart. I felt so tired and heavy the entired. Went home. Cried for 10 mins, people came in, had to fake it until everyone went to sleep. Pursued crying. Made a post wishing her well. Now here i am talking to people with the same issue/fear.

:) Feelings suck. Exes suck.

/r/BreakUps Thread