How to lose weight fast?

If you don’t eat, you need less insulin.

Too much insulin causes hypos — which makes you eat more glucose to compensate. Hypos are often caused by high glucose being treated with rapid insulin. Eliminate the highs and lows to some degree by not eating lots of carbs, and then needing less unpredictable insulin.

Alternately, vegans will tell you fat is the problem of insulin sensitivity, so greatly reduce high fat foods, they say.

Can’t tell you which approach may be appropriate for you. Arguably, lower carb seems to be more popular.

In the case of exercise, you are stimulating the contraction-mediated pathway of releasing GLUT4 receptors in muscle cells. This is in addition to whatever insulin-mediated action you have going on. So, essentially you are doubling glucose uptake by muscle cells. Now, some people have a rise in glucose during exercise, which is often followed by a lower glucose when the exercise “stress hormones” have subsided. Other people go down, and either need to stop or glucose/dextrose tablets to the rescue, because the insulin they injected doesn’t shut off like in a normal person’s working pancreas.

Generally, too much food and too much insulin are the drivers of weight gain. Eating less, less often, and needing less insulin is what reduces storage, and also allows for “fat-burning mode” to occur (aka ketosis). Insulin interacts with components in fat cells to allow storage and also to suppress the opposite to occur — breakdown and release. So, too much circulating glucose for quick energy + too much circulating insulin, and no significant fat breakdown will occur.

/r/diabetes Thread