How many bad boys do you know have consistent relations?

I have a friend that oscillates between the "bad boy" group (tall, muscular, more "fun" and outgoing, more business/networking oriented jobs, blow through lots of women) and the "good guy" group (more average-looking, sweeter, stick to relationships, don't get a lot of attention when out or on dating apps, more stable jobs). I'm in the latter and he'll be in town and then be randomly "unavailable" one night and I find out later he was out with the "bad boys" (because they're tall, muscular, and have better luck picking up women when out).

Within the bad boys, there is a hilarious direct correlation between attractiveness and relationship length. The shortest bad boy and least facially attractive bad boy ended up getting locked down. I've known the former for a bit and he was serial monogamist, blowing through a different woman every 1-2 months for years until an extremely attractive taller gym girl locked him tf down. Two of the more attractive bad boys in that group go on tons of dates but aren't too keen on diving into a relationship anytime soon unless she's unrealistically amazing.

A few of the guys in the "good guy" group are still single and just can't get any attention while out or on dating apps and have trouble even getting dates. It's a pretty unfortunate paradox.

/r/PurplePillDebate Thread