How often during the day do YOU go pee?

Haha yep. Got chatting to someone the other day while I was out and about with Luna, she mentioned she had a new puppy (at home) and so the natural conversation arose about puppies and training etc. Turned out she didn’t know what teething was, assumed she could just immediately start walking her puppy “magically” for long distances without any training or building it up to prevent joint damage, didn’t have a clue about insurance or the need for it, assumed she didn’t need to do any training as that’s “just for show” etc.

The list went on. Myself and the other dog owner I was with were left pretty mortified by the end of it!! I think some people just get a puppy totally on a whim with zero research/prep, and then complain when it doesn’t act like a mature well trained 5 year old adult doggo!!! I tried to give some basic advice along with another dog owner I was with, but it fell on deaf ears.

No doubt the poor dog will end up at a rescue centre before too long.

Not really anything that can be done about that sort of situation but omg I wish people would at least do a few hours of basic research before hand!!! I researched for years on and off and still felt utterly unprepared!!!

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