How to reduce severity of withdrawal symptoms?

don't focus all day on a computer screen, But stay in different social places as much as possible. I think the biggest reason of anxiety is living a predictable life, If you do that you train you brain to live predictable, If you approach a unpredictable scenario, Your brain will floods your itself with adrenaline and dopamine because it is such a rare situation, If you have rare situations all day. your brain will spread the release :D This is a little bit my theory. Also your brain will numb down when you approach a situation that normal releases a lot adrenaline, And you learn to handle your emotions, When you approach a new situation (Not get scared (Flight), But fight (Get aroused or some other emotion) ). Also when you feel when your body go's into fight or flight, You can prevent it to perform deep breathing (If you are nummed down enough), If you do that often your body will learn to do it automatic when it occurs. For example to test if it helps, Just take everyday a long walk where are allot of people, Go out allot, Buy different food you would normally do, Walk different paths to the places you go. Change the orders of things you normally do. Do totally different things you normally do (Know that all the information you see, hear, smell or feel will get processed). Make it a game to change as much as possible in a day. And do this every day, Like you are on a adventure, Just go for a walk without agenda and go do stuff you will come up with when you are just walking. Also when you do this allot you will develop a STRONG sense of what causes stress reactions in you, When you are this far, You can even abolish things or people out of your life that are causing physical stress in your body. When you are this far you will feel god (Often) :D

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