How’s everyone doing with the eclipse?

It's weird because I feel a bit more detached, in the sense that I'm not intellectually pondering the situation or stressing about it as much; but it's like I'm suddenly able to do this because I'm also trusting the connection more, and feeling more connected to my twin spiritually. Been meditating more frequently, and pushing negative thoughts out of my mind rather intentionally, in favor of just sitting with my energy and what I'm feeling -- without trying to assign meaning to it. This feels a bit like giving up, but I think it's just the opposite. Maybe I'm in a space of trust and surrender. I still get the neurotic thoughts, but it's getting easier to push them away once I recognize that they are just ego sabotaging what I already know. The signs and syncs are happening more, again, now that I'm not actively looking for them.

/r/twinflames Thread