How’s your mental health doing right now?

I'm...mostly fine? My (soon-to-be ex-) wife moved out a few months ago, so a 9 year long chapter of my life is coming to an end and I'm not really sure I'll handle being alone/single as an adult (haven't been single since I was 20). I'm thankful it was an amicable divorce, and the only thing she took that meant anything to me was one of our cats, but I have the other one and she's honestly keeping me from going totally crazy. The early covid months I "worked" from home, which consisted of getting up at 8 and playing Call of Duty for 10+ hours because I had no motivation to do literally anything, but thankfully I'm back to work now, even if my job is extremely unfulfilling (which is a whole different rant).

/r/AskReddit Thread