How do you shake the feeling of not wanting to be anybody's boyfriend, but wanting a girlfriend at the same time?

This is a good response. I think I know what it is about me that makes me seem "domesticated" (the exact right word I was looking for), I'm a software developer, I'm 19 and I go to a really good university, have a really good job and study a subject perpetually tied to the image of timid little bitches with briefcases and wire frame glasses, computer science.

I probably won't even get another ring fight for at least 6 months because I haven't been doing it for long enough. The dickheads I'm beefing to haven't been seen in my park for over a year. I need to do something to inject some... undomestication.. into her image of me.

I'm really not sold on any of this "Just find someone who likes you for who you are" crap. I don't see any girls out here reading minds. I'll just show my best cards and hustle the rest under the table you know.

So obviously I'm trying way too hard, but I can't just up and stop caring about how she sees me, it's just not on. You got any advice for toning it down without going to far and accidentally revealing that I ever was trying too hard? Cheers mate

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